Ive been using it for a while, and I absolutely love putting its info directly on the desktop, without a "window".
I love the weather "icon-like" indicator that shows when it is going to rain, but that is only available without the days High & Low weather indicators. I wish there was a way of putting High & Low with something to say "Its going to rain today", but you cant do both. If it did that, I would give it 5 stars. After all, it might reach 75-80 degrees in So. Cal, but still rain in the same day. If you live in a part of the world where it is either warm, or it rains, maybe that is not a big feature for you.
Lastly, it took a while to figure out how to disable Notifications, which I found useless. It would notifiy me constantly, as the weather went from "Cloudy" to "Partly Cloudy", to "Some Clouds", etc. 20-30 notifications in a day, and changing the nofication setting, both in Growl and Notification Center did nothing to stop it until I discovered the applications preferences overide Growl and Notifications setting. Very annoying…
Still, well worth the price, although Ive lost all hope for any changes in the application to enhance it.